Media Content Manager

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Media Content Manager

The Media Content Manager allows you to manage the media files available on BusPlanner Web. This includes the uploading of new media files like Documents and Videos as well as the management of which user types have access to which files. Media files can be uploaded from a local machine and are then stored on the server machine. They can be downloaded or viewed on a local user’s machine. BusPlanner Web comes with a default media player but others can be used.

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Active - Indicates the Site Administrator know whether users can actively access media files. This allows many media files to be on the BusPlanner Web site and only allows them to be available at certain times of the year.

Name - The display name of the Media File.

Path - The Path is the location of the media file on the BusPlanner Web Server. This makes for easy file retrieval and replacement if needed.

Media Count - The number of media files currently available on the BusPlanner Web site.

hmtoggle_arrow1        Editing Media Content

hmtoggle_arrow1        Adding a New Media File